Vi este chiste (¿?) en Ramble Tamble (no lo quiero poner porque no me gusta. Como diría Rozitchner, me enchastra el blog). No me pareció gracioso. Seguro a la familia y los amigos de Gustavo Lanzavecchia tampoco.
Entre a Crítica a ver si estaba. Está en la homepage, con esta advertencia:
Puto! (sic) Atención! Este sitio no es apto para mentes conservadoras.
Si cliqueás, aparece una ventana nueva:
Si elegís la opción “Impresionable / Timorato / Conservative / Susceptible / Politically Correct / Old in spirit "(is all the same?) Send you Infobae (¿?). If not, you can see the "joke."
Living in America may be more susceptible to me about the political incorrectness (or discrimination), but I'm not convinced that political correctness is synonymous with being conservative (judging from Argentine conservatives, on the contrary) . "Laughing at a guy who stabbed and thrown alive into the pool is to be" young at heart? ". "Criticism is non-conservative? ("Progressive?" Left? "Revolutionary? Me were deceived.)
All Susana Gimenez said when he learned of the murder seemed stupid. Except "has nothing to do to be gay." I do not see how sexual orientation Lanzavecchia death change into something, or do you take to laugh at the murder.
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