Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Dallas Places To Take
Features Among the more than three hundred breeds officially recognized, there is a Brazilian who has won many supporters in several countries: the "cao row" or "watchdog" or "row Brazilian." Its origin is obscure, like so many races, one can assume that descends from the crossing of dogs brought to Brazil by the Portuguese and English conquerors (bloodhound, mastiff, the English bulldog), crosses perfectly suited to the characteristics of those three races, not only for its appearance but also their psychic powers.
recalls the melancholy look, no doubt, the bloodhound, which has also inherited the fine smell. When looking bulky structure, one thinks of the mastiff, who commands respect with his presence, quality that adds a almost brutal courage and natural surveillance. Finally, the bulldog has been forwarded by the old impetuous temperament and unforgiving, but not last to reach the victim but who has subdued until the arrival of the master. This behavior becomes even more important row when you know that at one time it was used to capture fugitive slaves, who tracked easily thanks to its excellent sense of smell, bringing them back alive to the guardians. But the row also provides excellent service today as a custodian of assets, maintains, only the formation of flocks, any unruly animal is quickly called to order with a strong bite.
dogs is evident that this species can not feel comfortable in the city. are made to rural life, where they can freely exercise their physical force, where its strength does not suffer limitations: pens, for more spacious as they are, these animals offer the possibility to live according to their true nature. Equipped aspect that inspires fear, always ready to attack, the row has a character yet docile and devoted to the master. Is suspicious in front of strangers and does not admit the slightest familiarity. Incomparable Guardian has obtained great achievements in dog samples from around the world. GENERAL FEATURES
the Fila Brasileiro breed is a typical family of molossoids. Presents an impressive size, bone and strong muscles. Your body is longer than tall, well proportioned and symmetrical. It is characterized by reserve with strangers. However, shows a traditional loyalty to their owner and their family members who is extremely affectionate, sweet and obedient. It often happens that the Fila attack judge and, as a rule, not allowed to play for him and the judgments, that are allowed - not to be touched by the judges, the only race to which they are given these long -. This attitude not only confirms his characteristic temperament and should never be considered a defect. HEAD
always big and heavy to the body, looking square and massive, typically brachycephalic (short and wide skull).
Nose Broad, well developed, occupying much of the front upper jaw, black, except for dogs chocolate brown or white with patches of these colors, which can be brown nose .
large upper lips, pendants, which are superimposed on the lower snout giving the appearance of molossoids square.
lower lips firmly on the end of the jaws, at your side, with jagged edges.
Muzzle strong, broad, shorter than the skull, but always in harmony with this: from deep in its entirety, ends at line almost perpendicular.
Teeth strong, white, well-spaced canines, upper incisors broad at root, tapering at the tip. Scissor Bite.
The stop seen from the front, is virtually nonexistent and continuous form of a groove, which runs longitudinally almost half of the skull, the profile, however, is quite clear and consists of the brow ridges. The skull, big and wide, tapering a little abruptly at the base of the snout. Pronounced occipital crest.
Eyes medium size, slightly almond, very far apart, rather sunken dark. Because of the skin relaxed, many individuals present drooping eyelids, a detail that should not be considered defects, as it helps to increase the appearance thoughtful look, typical of the breed.
Big Ears in the form of "V" insert in the back of the skull as a result of relaxed skin, its insertion is variable. When the dog's attention is aroused, the leading high and reach the top of the skull, when the dog is at rest, the insertion of the ears seems low, fold inward so that the bottom is visible. Floppy ears can be found on the sides of the cheeks (mastiff's ears) and ear folded inwards as petals pink. NECK
remarkably developed, with very strong muscles, shorter than length. The neck is curved smoothly. Dewlap. BODY
Strong, covered with thick and loose skin. Ribs well sprung. Wide chest, which descends at least to the point of the elbow. Pectoral muscles very pronounced. Very sharp shoulders. The tips of the blades are not attached, on the contrary, they remain separate, forming a low cross and flat. Strong back in line slightly upwards towards the croup, which is higher. From the front tip of the ilium (tailbone) amounts rump harmoniously blending with the raíz de la cola. Vientre poco retraído.
De raíz muy ancha, se afina rápidamente y termina en punta, alcanzando el corvejón, levemente curvada en el extremo. Cuando el perro está excitado, la cola se eleva y la curva acentúa. La cola, de todos modos, nunca debe caer sobre el dorso ni enroscarse en espiral.
Anteriores Bien colocadas a ambos lados del cuerpo, separadas por el ancho del pecho, aplomadas. Antebrazo con huesos firmes. Metacarpos levemente inclinados.
Posteriores De osamenta menos fuerte, más altas que las anteriores, con ángulos no muy pronunciados. Los corvejones no son flexibles. Pies provistos de dedos muy arqueados and strong, well forward. Black nails, can also be white when the corresponding finger is stained white. MOVEMENTS
long, rhythmic, elastic, seemingly heavy, somewhat reminiscent to that of a cat. Typical feature: legs and undulating movements. With slow, tail raised, accompanied by rhythmic movements of the body, swung from left to right. With the tail down, the movement of the rear must also be visible on the rump and ribs. The trot is easy, elastic momentum of the forelegs, covering so much ground. Over the Fila Brasileiro is usually the head more lower than the topline. SKIN AND COAT
thick and loose skin, especially in the neck and trunk. In the throat has a double chin. Short hair, smooth, thick, smooth.
COLOR All colors and their gradations are allowed. In the specimens of uniform or striped shade are common white patches on the chest, throat, limbs and tail tip. Thick skin, supple, relaxed, especially in the neck and trunk. SIZE AND WEIGHT
65 to 75 cm in the male, weighing 50 kg or more and 60 to 70 cm in the female, who weighs at least 40 kg. DEFECTS
Prognathism lower teeth showing with the mouth closed. Monorquidismo or cryptorchidism. Ears cut off. Manto completely white flesh colored nose. SERIOUS DEFECTS
Small head, upper lips insufficient. Protruding eyes. Traces of albinism, skin taut. Walking rigid, without moving the legs. Timidity, cowardice. SERIOUS DEFECTS
or overshot Overshot. Lightweight bones, shallow chest, rump lower than the cross. Short step, a festival to strangers. LIGHT DEFECTS
Any changes away from the standard. At trial copy is to be preferred over slight defects which only has one or two, but greater severity.
(Extract from Standard # 255 CRF May 9, 1960. NB Since January 1984, the authorities cinófilos Brazilian disqualifying the exemplary white or gray and with the layer three quarters white)
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