Sunday, April 24, 2011

Yaoi Flash Games Furry

Nasty Nasty II

I read the article about Hollaback few weeks ago. It seemed a logical, understand that "hollaback" referred to "call back" (holler-back) and thought it a good solution when a stranger says something offensive in the streets: men (so far, I always verbally harassed men) expect passivity and shame and answer on the same terms is an effective (much more effective to tell it in a blog).

Then, via twitter, I came to Newfoundland column on Hollaback. Wondering where the comment ends permissible and where does the nasty, women are encouraged to address other issues such as the decriminalization of abortion (as tweeted Carolina Aguirre WHY NOT GOING TO TELL YOUR OLD WHAT TO DO? ) and doubts the effectiveness of combating street harassment through a blog. (I guess that Newfoundland did not read the blog or do not understand English well. The blog is to testify, the proposal is "holler back", "react" . Nothing that can not be solved by asking a basic part of working journalist.) In the next paragraph establishes an equivalence between "Negroes" of Miguel Del Sel and harassment verbal, to conclude by saying that 'not believe' we are 'a more just society if we suppress the street and compliments and even affectionate colloquialisms as "darkies". " Does not explain how verbal harassment leads to the just society, but well, is a column of opinion, has little space, I'm sure Newfoundland, as to argue, could find a relationship between verbal harassment and justice. All more or less well (mediocre jobs delivered all) until it ends by expressing his desire to break the / ass (depending on model) to pijazos Hollaback the representative of Argentina, Maria Tidball-Binz Inti. As my friend's blog frontispice Maximiliano Tomas : "There is nothing offending in expressing gender stereotypes backed by years of machismo. Newfoundland is not shocked, but repeats the macho tradition to the letter. "

Tidball-Binz made a complaint to the INADI , Hollaback movement called for the resignation of Newfoundland, told the advertisers what had been published in the journal and suggested guidelines to stop there. Many people came out to defend Newfoundland their freedom of expression and work. The best defenses can be read in Newfoundland's blog (now no comment ... so that no one comes to mind hollaback). ranging from arguments that are just words, "there is no discursive discrimination" until the closing of Newfoundland was an invitation that was declined Tidball-Binz (thank goodness! Did not intend to force her to have rough sex!). A kind of "compliment." Allegations Tidball-Binz are also "just words": she is not going to condemn (possibly INADI could make a complaint and the judge will decide), it will not take your job or decide the standard Fiat and Lacoste. She's just inviting these players to take certain measures, and they can, of course, "decline."

I do not want to throw Newfoundland in any case, the charge is the editor, who read the column and passed, and I do not want to throw to the editor, you must have a lot of work, etc. What do I know I do not want to throw anyone, we all make mistakes. But if Fiat, Lacoste and other advertisers choose to be associated with the brand The Guardian is detrimental to its image and sales, is capitalism (or someone who has worked in an environment can keep a straight face while saying that there is no relationship between advertisers and content?). I do not think the column is discriminatory (yes sexist and paternalistic), so I see a case for INADI. But I want to Newfoundland and all other street bullies (men, women, aliens) think before invading the space of anyone (women, men, boys, girls) with their kind invitations to have sex or comments about her anatomy. May this cry Tidball-Binz serve for that.



someone violent anal sex is perfectly acceptable, as it is to suggest to someone to practice erotic asphyxiation, or leave the back marked with a whip. Everyone is excited as you like and as you can. Newfoundland If you like Tidball-Binz, just had to send an email to Hollaback page, or if older, ask the phone and call Página/12. That yes, she could decline the invitation and everyone is happy. Turning a corner canchero against friends (in the magazine in front of friends) suggests that he did not like Tidball-Binz and seeks to initiate a sexual relationship with her, but wants to offend. She was offended and reacted. That is what Hollaback.

"From this blog, tried to start a boycott of advertisers to Male magazine for a test that was meant to be funny about what kind of hitter was the reader, with no success.


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