16/01/2011 4 to 2. The silver was shared by St. Patrick and the Bronze was won by the Grout.
of resistance was to be champion, the first summer 2011. The guys from the "litter 1981" Race and formed The murgueros took the Gold Cup at the spa "sunset" in the capital of Corrientes. In a grand final, won 4 to 2 to historic Thunderbeach team, paid to this type of summer rugby. The murgueros were pleased and took top prizes in a great afternoon of rugby, sun and beach, organized by producer TiempodeRugby and with the support of Quilmes, Kevingston and Kick Off. But children also celebrated St. Patrick and twice, because at the end of the Silver Cup came and passes Sampa Disposable League. After a great party, were matched in 5 tries and decided to share the title.
The Bronze Cup, the definition was for grouting and Emilio Sopra, and it was exactly the title for the first (team of players Taraguy, Sixty and Uni of Salta), winning the final set by a 5 - 4. He spent the best first stage and the 4 th Circuit Beach Rugby Summer Ituzaingó continue with dates in (on Saturday in Playa La Marcelina), Monte Caseros, Sao Tome and Paso de los Libres.
--- Step by step
All results were:
Qualifying Stage: Thunderbeach 6 - Grout 5, Los murgueros 2 - Black Power 2, pass the Disposable 5 - Emilio Sopra 4, The League Sampa 4 - The Grout 4, Los murgueros 6 - Spend Disposable 3, Black Power 3 - Emilio Sopra 8, Thunderbeach 5 - Sampa League 5, Los murgueros 3 - Emilio Sopra 2, Black Power 3 - Take the Disposable 6.
Finals: Cup Final
Bronze: Grout 5 - Emilio Sopra 4. Silver Cup Final: The League Sampa 5 - Pass the Disposable 5 (shared title). Semifinals
Gold Cup: The Sampa League 2 - Muegueros Thunderbeach 3 and 4 - Pass the Disposable 2, Final Gold: The murgueros 4 - Thunderbeach 2.
Source: Mariano Blanco
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