Monday, April 26, 2010

Army Ocs Security Clearance

Greetings to all who know me overestimating the world's population

From here you want to send a kiss to the panel mate told me "that was excellent" when I returned to the table after I submit my paper to an audience of 7 people including 3 members the panel and the discussant. A Sunday morning. Nobody told me anything. The discussant repeated constraints already in the paper. Thanks for reading it.

I also want to send a kiss to all members of the selection of scholarships and grants think my thesis is very interesting, but unfortunately this year there were many applicants and will not be included among the beneficiaries.

Kiss and hug the grants committee of the faculty in addition to thinking that my project is very interesting, I included among the beneficiaries.

Kiss and hug the journal editor sent me a check and Resubmit lengthy, pero aunque sea no me rechazó el paper tout court.

Y una advertencia a todos los futuros estudiantes de doctorado: fracasar es parte de la experiencia. En otros trabajos los fracasos son menos, o menos claros: uno sabe que podría haber hecho una tarea X un poco mejor, deduce que si los potenciales clientes no llamaron es porque el pitch no los convenció o asume que el rating habría sido más alto si el programa hubiera sido mejor. Acá te mandan una carta. Te avisan que fracasaste. Incluso cuando no fracasaste del todo, tienen críticas para hacerle a tu trabajo (ver: revise and resubmit). Y los éxitos son poco vendibles. “me van a publicar un paper en el Journal X!” not look like much (not much, putting it in perspective). Sure there wunderkinder that never fail, get all the grants, who would publish all papers without Review and Resubmit and get all the tenure-track positions to which they are presented. They also send them a kiss and a hug.


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