Sarlo write about something that does not know and would like us all, the pineapple.
But the bottom of the cloud K condottieri are going through the web looking for keywords that will allow them to interventions in portals, newspapers digital blogs, that cry out for a review of doctrinal orthodoxy Kirchner.
(Portales "Does anyone use the word web since 2001? really think participants find where to comment through Google searches?)
The Web is not a cloud angels who simply want to communicate independently of the mainstream media. Bloggers and commentators identified rhizomatic forms d and a new virtual realm where one is not responsible or libel or false testimony.
(" bloggers and commentators alike? Are they the same logic? Commentators in newspapers and blogs are equal? \u200b\u200bSarlo read a blog ever?)
live the rumor that spread and multiply; also living in the anonymity that is the rule that nobody dares to discuss. This world is hard to quantify.
(Most bloggers are fairly well known name and are easily identifiable. None "lives of anonymity." Y "that world" is difficult to quantify.)
almost two years ago, I interviewed several bloggers (of all political currents) for a research project. Argentina was in the midst of conflict-government farmers. All bloggers will take time away from their normal work duties for blogging. All had started because they were interested. None did it as a job. Some told me they had received indirect benefits (contacts, job opportunities) for his work on the blog. Some had AdSense advertising, but none was paid to maintain the blog. They all stressed that one of the things I enjoyed was the freedom to say what they had wanted, many thought that would be restricted if they passed to be employees. Several interviews were anonymous (yes, it seems that anonymity is a prerogative of respondents in Social Sciences nobody dares to discuss).
also analyzed the comments in blogs and newspapers. Are qualitatively different. The main difference is that comments on blogs are "civilians" that the comments in newspapers, and almost half the comments on blogs are associated with a site or blog of your own, against less than 1% of the comments in newspapers. This analysis is almost two years ago, but subsequent visits to blogs and do not suggest this has changed a lot. And yes, you can quantify. This is the paper I presented last Sunday.
commentators do not know if paid, could be present. I do not know if there are paid bloggers. But the question is this: What if I pay? What is the problem? Sarlo writes "Free Nation? receiving silver "for his work makes it a condottiero? Of course there would be a problem if they pay the government. But if you pay the Front for Victory or PRO? Or an NGO? Or a private company? "The Nation does not pay to blogs on your site? Rozitchner must charge to keep "air and light, "and I very much like to do so. Many newspapers in the nineteenth S (yes, The Nation also) emerged as expressions of a political project. Maybe the blogs (and eye, I'm not the first to say: I read in Hendrickson 2007, Lowrey 2006, Barnhurst and Nerone 2001, Russell, 2001 and Singer 2006) are somewhat similar.
Now, something is right Beatriz: Network (why capitalized? Write "Television" with mayúsucula?) Exists and is free. Anyone can participate. Including herself. When you get bored of writing for silver in the Nation, opens If you want to set pre-approval of messages and enchastran not the blog. You will learn a lot.
Disclaimer: No one pays me for this blog and weight for this post. The idea of \u200b\u200b"kink" is my friend blif . He also did not pay a peso for the copyright.