Monday, May 4, 2009

New Convert Welcome Letter To Church


I stayed up till 6 am. I was writing a paper, one of those things that is better to finish and not leave until the next day, because you lose the train of thought (the Train of Thought ") and all of your paragraphs will appear unsuccessful.

Around the 11 I left the office to buy some food. The campus was alive in another way, undergraduates in jogging and thongs. In the bar standing in line to pay their espressos, jostling, laughing, tried a little sick to the cashier. Maddy and Jack, Ethan and Amber. They seemed very young, I was given a mixture of affection and annoyance. Laburando followed, and remembered nights of study with a partial C before dawn in the cabin and channel editing. One is more boring. I have no 20.

(on Saturday night talking about the 20, the house parties of strangers, sleeping in strange places and sometimes uncomfortable, the new year of 2000. We had gone to the rave of the planetarium with S and V, I woke up in the grass, it was day, I went walking home. On Saturday, after eating sushi, I went in with J and S. bondi At 1 was sleeping. I have no 20.)

When I finished the paper it was day, there were rabbits in the campus, the undergrads had disappeared. I went home, slept two hours, showered, went back to work. I can not concentrate. I see everything in slow motion.


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